
Thursday, July 23, 2009

Vacations, Birthdays, and "Gang Repping"

The trip to Michigan and Ohio and various other places was crazy. Jacob Wells, may you rest in peace with God whom you newly found just in time. My birthday was great, hungout with Devin some and then with Corinne. It was all good until her and I were walking out in front of the pavilion in the parking lot and a cop yelled at me from a balcony to take my hat off. Mind you this was the hat Devin and I had just purchased that morning and I made a Florida stencil and freehanded 941 on the front with Sharpie. Anyways the hat happened to be a red trucker hat so he yelled at me saying "you can't fly colors in public parks" or some BS. I though he was yelling at me about my Subway cup for having a straw and lid at the beach so I just said that we were leaving. He yelled even louder and I swear he reached for his taser hahaha. "TAKE IT OFF!" That was a bummer but oh well, some cops are just on powertrips in this town. Do I really strike you as a gang member? Seriously? Oh well, Corinne and I said our "goodbyes" at an access and I headed off to the village to fill up my SW cup. Walked to Devin's then we went to Target and Marshall's. Came home and went to Burrito's with the family and then came home and watched some Burn Notice that I missed and the new episode. Pretty exciting day I guess?

The housing for the 30D works, the bimini has been fixed, both speakers work, fixing the other shortboard tomorrow once I find some extra hardware, a little bit more packing and we are off to KEY WEST!

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